Medical Quiz

Integumentary system Quiz

What cell produces a protein allows for waterproofing of the skin, nails, and hair?

A. melanocyte

B. merkel cells

C. Langerhans cell

D. keratinocytes

Select your answer:


Shelter Medicine Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Molecular Basis of Inheritance Pulmonary System Renal Replacement Therapies Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Sarcomere Anatomy Nutritional Trivia Laser in Medicine Digestion History of Immunology Physiothearpy in Neurology Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Coronary Heart Diseases Biodiversity

Other quiz:

Physical › View

What happens to your heart rate when you exercise ?

A. Slows Down

B. Nothing

C. Stops

D. Speeds up

Healthcare Systems and Insurance › View

The amount that must be paid by the patient for medical serves before the policy begins to pay…

A. premium

B. co-pay

C. deductible

D. co-insurance