Medical Quiz

Viruses Quiz

You are a doctor and Little Billy is in your office with the flu. His mother wants you to prescribe an antibiotic. Which would be the best response?

A. “Absolutely, get that kid an antibiotic!”

B. “Actually, he just needs to take a painkiller.”

C. “Unfortunately, antibiotics do not work against viruses like the flu.”

D. “Give him a vaccine and he will feel better right away!”

Select your answer:


Medical Suffixes Contemporary Nutrition Issues Musculoskeletal System Muscoskeletal Injuries Systematic Bacteriology Division of Microbiology Properties of the Hair Biodiversity Conservation Respiratory System Med Term Cancer & Cell Cycle Bacteria and Protist Review Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Hemodynamic Disorder EMS Systems Musculoskeletal

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Which statement is true?

A. The efferent arteriole is wider than the afferent arteriole

B. The afferent artery is wider than the efferent artery

C. The afferent arteriole is wider than the efferent arteriole

D. The afferent and efferent arterioles are the same width

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Which muscle tissue is the image showing?

A. Cardiac muscle tissue

B. Skeletal muscle tissue

C. Smooth muscle tissue