Medical Quiz

Human Body Quiz

Which of the following are NOT examples of organisms?

A. dog

B. cat

C. lung

D. human

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular System Prehabilitation and Conditioning Oronasal Suctioning Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Breathing ...Respiration HHB Immunology Eye Physiology Healthy Living Special Senses Viruses and Prions Cardiovascular Nursing Histology HS Medical Careers Visual Impairment Food and Health & Bones and Muscles

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Body defenses against infection include

A. fingernails and toenails

B. hair on the head

C. mucous membranes

D. nonintact skin

Nervous System › View

Two major branches of the nervous system

A. central and peripheral

B. peripheral and motor

C. motor and sensory

D. central and motor