Medical Quiz

Science Reproduction Quiz

The contraceptive method in which prevents sperm form being released into the vagina and also helps to reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases is

A. a Diagphragm

B. The pill

C. Female sterilization

D. Male Sterilization

E. Condom

Select your answer:


Anatomy Respiratory System Thyroid Disease Bone Development and Remodeling AEMT EMS Systems Pancreatitis Joints in our Body Autoimmune Disease Nature of Science Cell Bio Skin and Derivatives Entomology The Musculoskeletal System Heart Structure and Double Circulation Advanced Stretching SM2 Principles of Microbiology

Other quiz:

Alzheimer Disease and Dementia › View

How does the progression of Alzheimer’s disease impact the planning of long-term care for patients?

A. Long-term care is unnecessary as symptoms improve over time.

B. Long-term care planning is crucial due to the progressive nature of cognitive, emotional, and physical decline.

C. Long-term care should only focus on physical health.

D. Long-term care is only needed in the early stages.

Psoriasis › View

PUVA therapy includes

A. Psorlens and UVB

B. Polymoer UVA

C. Polyene UVB