Medical Quiz

Physical and Sensory Impairment Quiz

This disability affects verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction skills and adversely affects a child’s educational performance. also includes repetitive activities, stereotyped movements, resistance to change, and unusual responses to sensory experiences.

A. Autism

B. Intellectual Disability

C. Traumatic Brain Injury

D. Special Learning Disability

Select your answer:


Cell Injury General Microbiology and Immunology Biological Organisms Classification CVA Body Fluids Immunology Human Brain Hearing Impairment Homeostasis and Disease Epidemiology Macromolecules Heart and Circulatory System Disease & Immunity Blood Typing SPED Law-lympics

Other quiz:

Neuroanatomy › View

Which part of the basal ganglia is primarily affected in Huntington’s disease, resulting in the characteristic choreiform movements?

A. Substantia nigra pars compacta

B. Subthalamic nucleus

C. Caudate nucleus and putamen

D. Globus pallidus internal segment (GPi)

Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow › View

When the kidneys don’t receive enough blood flow they:

A. Release angiotensin ll which stimulates aldosterone

B. Release angiotensin ll which which activates renin, which stimulates aldosterone

C. Release renin, which activates angiotensin ll which stimulates aldosterone

D. Release renin, which activates aldosterone, which stimulates angiotensin ll