Medical Quiz

Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Quiz

A person with delayed physical growth, possible heart defects, flattened facial profile, mild to moderate intellectual disability has

A. Klinefelter syndrome

B. Turner Syndrome

C. Down Syndrome

D. Tetrasomy X

Select your answer:


Introduction to Kinesiology Transportation Defining Health and Wellness Population Genetics Skeletal System Vocabulary Nervous System and Special Senses Virus and Bacteria Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Bones, Joints and Muscles Nutrient Cycling Physical Education and Health Cardio and Resp Disorders Disease and Immunity Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems The Vascular System and Blood Flow

Other quiz:

Endocrinology › View

Secreted in endocrine cells and remains in relation to plasma membrane; acts on immediately adjacent cell by direct cell-to-cell contact

A. Juxtacrine

B. Endocrine

C. Paracrine

D. Exocrine

Body System Interactions › View

The muscular system interacts with the ____ system because the heart is a muscle and it pumps blood to every cell in our body.

A. excretory

B. endocrine

C. digestive

D. circulatory