Medical Quiz

Characteristics of Life Quiz

Something that is currently showing all the characteristics of life:

A. living

B. nonlivng

C. dead

D. dormant

Select your answer:


Bacterial Cell Structure Hematology Lab Values Oral Surgery Herd Immunity Biological Molecules and Enzymes Fitness Vision and Light Pharmacology Calculations Brain and Nervous System Movement and Locomotion The Microbial World Chronic Diseases Cell Theory & Melanoma Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Life Processes

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A 24-year-old female with amenorrhoea, infertility & galactorrhoea was treated with a drug that successfully restored ovulation & menstruation. Before prescribing the drug, the woman was carefully questioned about previous history of mental health problems, which she did not have. She was advised to take the drug orally. The drug used to treat this patient is probably

A. Desmopressin

B. Cabergoline

C. Human gonadotropin

D. Leuprolide

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Rickets is caused by a deficiency of which vitamin?

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin D

D. Vitamin E