Medical Quiz

Lifetime Wellness Quiz

What is BMI?

A. A tool used to measure an individual weight

B. A tool used to find one’s ideal number of daily calories

C. A toll used to measure the ratio of lean muscle to fat

D. A tool used to measure and evaluate individual weight

Select your answer:


Dermis Radiation and Health EKG Medical Term Skin Growth Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Dermatology Vocabulary Cardiovascular System Terminology Excretion Cardiovascular Physiology - Function Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Circulatory and Nervous System Integumentary System Pollution Lifetime Wellness Psychopathology

Other quiz:

Anatomy: Muscle › View

A flat sheet like fibrous tissue that connects muscle or bone to other tissues

A. aponeurosis

B. contractility

C. agonist

D. antagonist


Which of the following instrument is used to measure the oxygen saturation level of blood in localized areas of oxygen?

A. a) Ear Oximeter

B. b) Pulse Oximeter

C. c) Skin reflectance Oximeter

D. d) Intravascular Oximeter