Medical Quiz

Cell Quiz

Protein Factory of cell

A. Nucleus

B. Ribosome

C. Mitochondria


Select your answer:


Immunology Eye or Nose Injuries Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology DNA Replication Measles and Hib Skeletal System Orthopedics Musculoskeletal Diseases HNBS Intern Human Organs Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Blood Formation and Clotting EMR Pathophysiology Joints & Movement

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A. Kidneys

B. Placenta

C. Peripheral adipose tissues

D. Gastrointestinal lining

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What is a trait?

A. A learned behavior that is passed down from parents to offspring

B. A characteristic of an organism that can be genetic or acquired

C. A temporary change in an organism’s appearance

D. A disease that affects only certain types of organisms