Topics: The Respiratory System Quiz
What is the pharynx?
A. Outward physical appearance
B. Tube-like passage way for air, food, liquid
C. Airway to vocal cords
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Male Reproductive System DNA Replication Biochemistry Vocabulary Transportation Skeleton Skin Diseases Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Monoclonal Antibodies World Health Day CP A&P: Cardiovascular Haematology Sources Of Food Cell Theory & Melanoma T Cells Cardiovascular Adaptation RefresherOther quiz:
Health › ViewIf you have good mental health,
A. your mind is alert
B. you never make a mistake
C. your body functions well
D. your feelings are appropriate to events
Genetics › View
Which system contains the brain and nerves?
A. excretory
B. nervous
C. respiratory
D. musculoskeletal