Medical Quiz

Topics: Infectious Diease Quiz

Which of the following 1st generation cephalosporin is best for surgical settings

A. Ceftriaxone

B. Cefotetan

C. Cefapime

D. Cefazoline

Select your answer:


The Ankle and Lower Leg Muscles and Movements Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Central and Peripheral Nervous System Nail Movement Blood Donation Animal Nutrition Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Carbohydrates Unintentional Injuries Obesity Muscle Histology Infectious Disease and Pathogens Dyslexia

Other quiz:

Homeostasis › View

Which of the following is an example of a response to an internal stimulus?

A. you are tired

B. you are hot

C. you eat food

D. you are scared

Musculoskeletal › View

What part of the body is most commonly affected by osteonecrosis?

A. Femur

B. Spine

C. Skull

D. Rib