Immunity Quiz
What is a role of activated B cells?
A. Secrete antibiotics in response to specific antigens
B. Activate T cells in the immune response
C. Release histamine in response to allergens
D. Multiply to form clones of plasma cells
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Active immunity is the stimulation of the immune system to produce antigen-specific antibodies.
B. Vaccines produce immunological memory similar to that acquired by having the natural disease.
C. The most common way to acquire passive immunity is to have the natural disease.
D. Killed forms of a microorganism can act as an antigen.
Anitigens on pathogens which have got into the human body can lead to the development of specific immunity.
That is an immunity which responds only to this antigen.
Which of the following cells causes the specific immunity?
A. Erythrocytes
B. Macrophages
C. Lymphocytes
D. Phagocytes
What do antibodies attach to on the pathogen?
A. Anti inflammatory
B. Antigens
C. Antiseptic
D. Antibodies
T cells that kill infected cells are
A. cytotoxic T’s
B. helper T’s
C. plasma cells
D. antigen presenting c
Liz notices that shortly after cutting her arm accidentally the area around the cut is turning red and feeling hot. Which immune system defense is Liz experiencing?
A. inflammation
B. white blood cell clotting
C. skin
D. fever
T cells mature in the
A. bone marrow
B. spleen
C. thymus
D. kidney
What is directly responsible for allergic symptoms, including a runny nose or itchy eyes?
A. pathogens
B. antigens
C. histamine
D. T-lymphocytes
What is the effect which thrombin has on the process of blood clotting?
A. Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin
B. Prothrombin is converted to thrombin
C. Platelets are caused to release clotting factors.
D. Clotting factors are taken up by red blood cells.
If the skin is broken then a blood clot forms to seal this cut.
What is the first step in the process of blood clotting?
A. Fibrinogen turns into fibrin
B. Platelets release clotting factors
C. Fibrinogen is converted into thrombin
D. Thrombin is converted into prothrombin
Which type of blood cells are capable of ingesting pathogens?
A. Erythrocytes
B. Antibodies
C. Lymphocyte cells
D. Phagocyte cells
The table shows the results of blood type tests on samples from four individuals. Which row represents an individual who can accept transfusions from people with blood type AB?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Pathogens are recognized by their…
A. antigens
B. antibodies
C. killer t-cells
D. B-cells
When activated by the presence of a pathogen some lymphocytes produce antibodies and other lymphocytes act as memory cells.
Which of the following best describes the role of memory cells in the immune system?
A. They store antigens from the pathogen for lymphocytes to use as a template for antibodies in the future.
B. They remember the antigen on the pathogen and tell the lymphocytes how to respond if it is re-encountered.
C. They quickly clone to form a group of phagocytes if the pathogen is re-encountered.
D. They quickly clone to form a group of plasma cells if the pathogen is re-encountered.
In the production of monoclonal antibodies, B-cells are fused to tumour cells to make hybridoma cells. What can hybridoma cells do?
A. Divide endlessly
B. Ingest antigens
C. Become memory cells
D. Bind to antibodies