Medical Quiz

Topics: EMR Pathophysiology Quiz

Blood in lungs is called

A. hemothorax

B. pneumothorax

Select your answer:


Nature of Science Autoimmune Disease Dental Caries Advanced Stretching SM2 Transportation and Excretion Hospitality Ecology & Organisms Environment Heredity Endocrine System The Inflammatory Response Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Population Genetics Cardiovascular Med Terms

Other quiz:

Cell Theory and Cellular Structure › View

What is the main difference between plant and animal cells?

A. Animal cells have a cell wall, while plant cells do not.

B. Plant cells have chloroplasts, while animal cells do not.

C. Animal cells contain mitochondria, while plant cells do not.

D. Plant cells have a nucleus, while animal cells do not.

Biodiversity › View

Microorganism that found in extreme environments such as hot springs and underwater volcanoes classify under which Domain?

A. Both Archaea & Bacteria

B. Archaea

C. Bacteria

D. None of these