Medical Quiz

Topics: Characteristics of Life & Viruses Quiz

Viruses are NOT considered to be living organisms because they are NOT made of…

A. Protein

B. Cells

C. Nucleic Acids

D. None of the abov

Select your answer:


Hazards & Risks DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Cells Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Iron Kinetics Polio Perioperative Nursing Care Brain and Nervous System Anatomy: Muscle Division of Microbiology Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Psychiatry Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Heart and Blood Vessels

Other quiz:

Respiratory and Urinary › View

Before the kidney filter it out, where does urea exist?

A. In your intestines

B. In your liver

C. In your stomach

D. In your bloodstream

Diabetes Mellitus › View

Which one is NOT a long-term diabetes complication?

A. Eye damage (diabetic retinopathy, damage to retina blood vessels)

B. Hearing impairment (damage to the auditory nerves)

C. Nerve damage like numbness (neuropathy, interfere nerve ability to send signals)

D. Seizure