Medical Quiz

Topics: Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Quiz

When shown the word ball in their LEFT field of vision, the split brain patient says they saw nothing, but then they choose a ball with their left hand. Even though they can’t say what they saw, their left hand has awareness because the

A. left hand controlled by left field of vision

B. left hand controlled by left brain

C. left hand controlled by right brain

D. left hand controlled by right field of vision

Select your answer:


Diseases Key Terms Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Medicine Clinics Psychology Defence against Infectious Diseases Skeletal System Epidemiology Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Head and Neck Anatomy Bacteria and Viruses Human Genetics Radiology Infection Control Meiosis and intro to Genetics

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All the bones together form…

A. the tendons.

B. the joints.

C. the skeleton.

D. the musculoskeletal system.

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If you turn your head to the left, what happens to the hair cells in the left vestibular sytstem?

A. The stereocilia falls onto the kinocilia

B. The kinocilia falls onto the stereocilia

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above