Medical Quiz

Topics: Blood and Hematology Quiz

What is the procedure called that is used to widen a narrowed or obstructed blood vessel?

A. Thrombectomy

B. Angioplasty

C. Stenting

D. Atherectomy

Select your answer:


Infant Nutrition Cellular Respiration Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Macromolecules & Nutrients Cosmetology Food and Nutrition Disease and Conditions Skeletal System Vessels Protozoan Diseases Defining Health and Wellness -ology Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses DNA The Nervous System DNA, RNA, Proteins

Other quiz:

Immunology › View

Which of the following is true regarding B-cell development?

A. B cells complete maturation in the spleen

B. B cells are mostly developed when they leave the bone marrow

C. self reactive B cells may be eliminated through apoptosis

D. self reactive B cells may be rendered unreactive (anergic)

E. all of the above

Biotechnology › View

The process of changing the genetic material of a living organism 

A. Genetic Modification

B. Taxonomy

C. Adapting

D. Bioremediation