Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Lab Culture Media Quiz


What is the main purpose of transport media?

A. To isolate enteric pathogens

B. To maintain viability of organisms during transport

C. To differentiate organisms based on biochemical characteristics

D. To support fastidious organisms

Which media is selective for gram-negative bacteria?

A. Chocolate Agar

B. MacConkey Agar

C. Blood Agar

D. Mannitol Salt Agar

What is the primary purpose of solid media in bacteriology?

A. Isolating bacteria as discrete colonies

B. Testing the effectiveness of antibiotics

C. Maintaining viability during transport

D. Propagation of large numbers of organisms

What is the optimal pH adjustment for bacterial growth?

A. Basic pH of 9

B. Neutral pH of 7

C. Acidic pH of 5

D. Optimal levels specific to the organism

Which media type is composed of precisely known amounts of pure chemicals?

A. Differential Media

B. Selective Media

C. Defined Media

D. Complex Media

Which of the following is an example of enriched media?

A. Nutrient Agar

B. Blood Agar

C. Mannitol Salt Agar

D. MacConkey Agar

Which of the following is a control organism for Blood Agar?

A. Staphylococcus aureus

B. Escherichia coli

C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

D. Streptococcus pyogenes

What is the purpose of selective media?

A. Supports a wide range of organisms

B. Inhibits certain organisms to allow specific growth

C. Enhances growth of specific organisms

D. Exhibits visible changes in response to biochemical reactions

Which of the following is an example of liquid (broth) media?

A. Nutrient Broth

B. MacConkey Agar

C. Blood Agar

D. Nutrient Agar

What is the main component of Nutrient Agar?

A. Peptone

B. Lactose

C. Cetrimide

D. Mannitol

Which of the following is a characteristic of semi-solid media?

A. Contains 1.5% to 2% agar

B. Lacks agar and remains in liquid form

C. Contains lower agar concentrations (0.3% to 0.5%)

D. Composed of precisely known amounts of pure chemicals

What is the purpose of enrichment media?

A. To support a wide range of organisms

B. To enhance growth of specific organisms by suppressing competing flora

C. To differentiate organisms based on biochemical characteristics

D. To maintain viability during transport

Which media is used to test the effectiveness of antibiotics?

A. Mueller-Hinton Agar

B. Nutrient Broth

C. Tryptic Soy Broth

D. Brain Heart Infusion Broth

What type of media is used for motility testing?

A. Chocolate Agar

B. Blood Agar

C. Motility Test Medium

D. Nutrient Agar

What is the purpose of differential media?

A. To differentiate organisms based on biochemical characteristics

B. To support growth of non-fastidious organisms

C. To maintain viability during transport

D. To enhance growth of specific organisms


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