Medical Quiz

Cell Cycle Problems Quiz

cells that are involved in the generation of gametes in eukaryotes

A. germline cell

B. somatic cell

C. terminally differentiated cell

D. gameotic cell

Select your answer:


Human Physiology Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Eye Histology Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Consciousness and Sleep Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Cardiology Medications Renal Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Lipids Immunology and Serology Regulating the Cell Cycle Skeleton and Muscles Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues

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Heredity › View

Segments of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) found in chromosomes that give instructions for producing a certain characteristic.

A. heredity

B. gene

C. allele

D. genotype

E. phenotype

Health Systems › View

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
A. Health insurance plan that allows you to see any doctor, anytime.  Usually has a copayment and is cheaper if you use in-network doctors.
B. Health insurance plan that requires you to work with a primary care physician to manage you care.  Also  require you to use in-network services.
C. Health insurance plan that combines elements of HMO and PPO. You can use a Primary Care Physician or direct your own care.