Medical Quiz

Disease and Conditions Skeletal System Quiz

This disease translates to “pourous bone” which is weak, thin and easily breakable bone.

A. osteoporisis

B. scoliosis

C. hyper kyphosis

D. ankylosing spondylitis

Select your answer:


Environmental Biotechnology Cardiovascular Nursing Terms for The Skeletal System Perioperative Nursing Care Science Reproduction Endodontic Surgery Major Nutrients Population Genetics Microbial Growth & Nutrition Eyes and Hearing Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Body Fluids & Circulation Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Population Ecology The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level

Other quiz:

Circulatory System › View

These are flap like structures that prevent blood from flowing back to the body parts.

A. Veins

B. Cappilaries

C. Valves

D. None of the above

Fluid and Electrolytes › View

After giving a patient with moderate to severe dehydration parenteral fluid therapy and now showing normal vitals. What do we give to maintain it?


B. D51/4NS