Medical Quiz

Disease and Conditions Skeletal System Quiz

This disease translates to “pourous bone” which is weak, thin and easily breakable bone.

A. osteoporisis

B. scoliosis

C. hyper kyphosis

D. ankylosing spondylitis

Select your answer:


Renal Cell Biology & Biotechnology Cell Theory Physiology Muscles and Movements Enzymes and Movement of Substances Hematology Heredity AEMT EMS Systems Hair Evidence Principle of Health Science Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Dermatology Introduction to Histology

Other quiz:

Biochemistry of Diabetes › View

A person with type 2 should be centered around the following EXCEPT:

A. modest servings of low-fat dairy, low-fat meat and fish

B. fewer refined grains

C. medium portion sizes

D. more high-fiber foods

Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System › View

Producing nonsense words is associated with what?

A. Wernickes aphasia

B. Broca’s aphasia