Medical Quiz

Infectious Diease Quiz

Which antibiotics are good for pseudomonas aeruginosa coverage

A. Vancomycin

B. Linzolid

C. Piperacillin/tazobactam

D. Amoxicillin

Select your answer:


Parts of Human Body History of Medicine Microbial Growth & Nutrition Nutrition in Humans and Animals Principles of Microbiology Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Lipid Metabolism Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Pharmacology Vitamins Nutrition In Animal Vaccines Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Neuroanatomy & Physiology Understanding Psychology Nervous System Immunity and Vaccines

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Antibiotics only work against what organisms ?

A. viruses

B. bacteria

C. prions

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Combining vowels change the meaning of a medical term.