Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Which type of muscles move only when we want them to?

A. Cardiac muscles

B. Voluntary muscles

C. Involuntary muscles

D. Smooth muscles

Select your answer:


Cardiorespiratory Endurance Bio Cells Macro and Micro Nutrients Macromolecules and Enzymes Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Phlebotomy Living Organisms Vitamin Who am Eye? Cell Cycle Problems Biology Assessment Sensory Disorder The Brain Our Control Center Immune Response Doctor Equipments

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Bacteriology › View

What is/are the key identifying characteristics of pseudomonads?

A. No gas formation from glucose metabolism

B. Catalase negative

C. Photosynthetic pigments absent

D. Both A and C

Fat › View

Excessive intake of fats would lead to the following except:
A. Cardiovascular Disease
B. Stroke
C. Constipation
D. Heart Attack