Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

What is the name of the cholesterol that circulates in the bloodstream, transporting cholesterol for cell repair and depositing it in artery walls?

A. VLDL (Very Low-Density Lipoprotein)

B. LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein)

C. HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein)

D. IDL (Intermediate-Density Lipoprotein)

Select your answer:


Muscle & Nerve Tissue Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Sensory System Key Terms Chest, Back, Abs Genes and DNA Autism Awareness Coronary Heart Diseases General Anatomy Nutrition in Animals Microbes and Infectious Disease Nephrology (Hemodialysis)

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An obstruction in the pulmonary artery would cause an immediate increase in blood pressure which region?

A. Pulmonary veins

B. Right atrium

C. Right ventricle

D. Left ventricle

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The periodontal ligament

A. Derives its blood primarily from the branches of vessels entering the pulp

B. Has a slow rate of turn over

C. Contains epithelial cells

D. Comprises primarily of type II collagen