Medical Quiz

Pathophysiology - Inflammation Quiz

The cellular component made up of a phospholipid bilayer and controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell is the

A. nucleus

B. cytoplasm

C. cellular membrane

D. Golgi apparatus

Select your answer:


Anatomy Respiratory System Personal Growth Plan Biochemistry Vocabulary Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Teeths Medication Administration Erythrocyte Disorders Human Circulatory System Mycology Living Organisms Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Vision and Hearing Defects Cellular Transport and Metabolism Excretory System Genes and Cells

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Which specialty focuses on how psychological factors related to health and illness can affect a person’s ability to function?

A. Clinical Neuropsychologist

B. Health Psychologist

C. Organisational Psychologist

D. Sports Psychologist

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An animal that can keep its internal environment the same is called

A. Hyperstasis

B. Envirostasis

C. Reproduction

D. Homeostasis