Medical Quiz

History of Healthcare Quiz

What is Edward Jenner known for?

A. Developed smallpox vaccination

B. Invented microscope

C. Father of Medicine

D. Invented stethoscope

Select your answer:


Hemodynamic Disorder Excretion-Dialysis Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Sports Medicine Thyroid Gland Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Vessels Disease Outbreak and Transmission Myocarditis Genetics and Probability Haematology Bone Acute Responses to Exercise Molecular Biology Cells

Other quiz:

T Cells › View

What antigen-specific T cell attaches to class II MHC?

A. CD4+ helper T lymphocytes

B. CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes

Infectious Disease › View

Which of the following is NOT an infectious disease

A. Malaria

B. Obesity


D. Chlamydia