Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Quiz

Uses carbon dioxide, inorganic molecules and oxidative processes.

A. Photolithotrophic autotrophy

B. Photoorganotrophic heterotrophy

C. Chemolithotrophic autotrophy

D. Chemoorganotrophic heterotrophy

Select your answer:


Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Biology for Engineers Physio Intro Practice Cellular Transport and Metabolism Pharmacology Illness and Symptoms Radiation and Health Teeth and Microbes Eyes and Hearing Circulatory & Respiratory System The Skeletal System Biochemistry of Diabetes Lipid Metabolism Medical Nursing Tissues of The Body

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Which of the following does NOT cause acne?

A. bacteria in the pores

B. eating oily foods

C. washing your face too much

D. sebum clogging pores

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A person who studies geology would have a hard time if he or she had a fear of what?
A. rocks
B. airplanes
C. blood
D. heights