Medical Quiz

Hematology Quiz

Which of the following cells is considered pathognomonic for Hodgkin’s disease?

A. Niemann-Pick cells

B. reactive lymphocytes

C. flame cells

D. Reed-Sternberg cells

Select your answer:


DNA Structure and Function Cell The nervous system & brain Health & Wellness Vocabulary Hematology Pharmacology Calculations Disease and Immunity Eye Histology Transport System Forensics Terms Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology EMS Systems Regulation of Urine Formation Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Selective Breeding

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Blood › View

Choose the correct term that means:ON THE SURFACE BODY

A. Superficial

B. Inferior, caudal

C. Prone

D. Lateral

E. Deep

Health › View

Which of the following is not transferred by houseflies?

A. Typhoid

B. Cholera

C. Dysentry