Medical Quiz

Bacteria Structure Quiz

Light energy is captured by phototrophic organisms and converted to chemical energy.



Select your answer:


Receptors 5 Major Food Groups Pediatrics Warm up Macronutrients & Micronutrients Nutrition Vocabulary Physical Pharmacy Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Body System Injuries in Archery Renal & Neural Nasal Polyp Eye or Nose Injuries Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Skeleton and Muscles

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When unwanted germs invade, your body responds by turning up the heat, causing your temperature to be higher than normal.

A. stomach ache

B. fever

C. headache

D. virus

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What are two chemicals used in test for protein ?

A. iodine & caustic soda

B. caustic soda & copper sulphate

C. iodine & copper sulphate

D. sulphuric acid & caustic soda