Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Where are your phalanges?

A. In your hands

B. In your upper arm

C. In your upper leg

D. In your ribs

Select your answer:


PBS Routine Testing Parathyroid Gland Physiology Pathology Muscle pathophysiology Laparoscopic Surgery Lifestyle Diseases Skin Growth Skin Appendages Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Patient-Centered Endocrinology Eczema Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Bones and Muscles The Digestive System

Other quiz:

Endocrine System › View

It is the outermost layer whose cells are arranged in little columns. Secretes mineralcorticoids, with aldosterone being the main hormone secreted.

A. Zona Glomerulosa

B. Zona Fasciculata

C. Zona Reticularis

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering › View

What is genetic engineering?

A. The study of genetic diseases

B. Changing an organism’s DNA to give it new traits

C. The natural selection of traits

D. The process of DNA replication