Medical Quiz

The Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Why are the bones of the wrist and ankle not fused

A. To provide greater strength

B. To provide greater mobility

C. To make the wrist and ankle lighter

D. So more muscles can attach to those bones.

Select your answer:


Hormones Bone Osteoporosis Health and Nutrition Body Enzymes Cells & Body Systems General Anatomy Brain/Neuron Anatomy Normal Radiographic Anatomy Characteristics of Life & Viruses Hematology Acute Leukemias Surgical & Complementary Terms Doctor Equipments Nursing Vocabulary

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Psychopathology › View

The SERT gene leads to what happening?

A. No serotonin being released into synaptic gap at all

B. Too much serotonin being released into synaptic gap so the receptors are overwhelmed

C. Serotonin being taken back into the pre-synaptic neuron too quickly so there is not enough serotonin in synapse for long enough

Health › View

It is their role to provide therapy to rehabilitate and maximize the necessary movements needed for the patient to satisfactorily go about their day.

A. Pharmacists

B. Dentists

C. Physiotherapists

D. Dieticians and Nutritionists