Medical Quiz

Anatomy And Physiology Quiz

Stimulus, Efferent Pathway, Response, Input, Output, Afferent Pathway, Receptor, Control Center

What is the correct order?

A. Receptor, Stimulus, Input, Efferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Afferent Pathway, Response

B. Stimulus, Receptor, Input, Efferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Afferent Pathway, Response

C. Stimulus, Receptor, Input, Afferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Efferent Pathway, Response

D. Receptor, Stimulus, Input, Afferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Efferent Pathway, Response

Select your answer:


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A. intestines

B. path

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A 70 yrs old man presented to the ER with retention of urine, he had a history of abnormal flow of the urine for the last 3 months but he never sought medical advice. the doctor in charge though he might have a prostate cancer, which of the following tumor markers he is going to do?

A. Beta-HCG

B. Alfa -Feto protein



E. CA 128