Medical Quiz

Health Quiz

What does ‘consult’ mean?

A. danışmak

B. öldürücü

C. dermatolog

D. iyileşmek

Select your answer:


Medical Terminology Prefixes PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY PBS Routine Testing Cells Hematology Lab Values Digestive System Medical Terminology Properties of the Hair Disorders of The Joints Cellular Respiration Stress and Mental Health Vision (AP Psych) Cell Membrane and Transport Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Blood Pathology Fainting and Nosebleed

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Food System & Nutrients › View

The food system includes the sectors of:

A. Farming, processing, distribution, retail, research

B. Waste management, protection & sustainability

C. Processing, Production, Research, Data & Consumption

D. Production, processing, distribution, consumption & research

Bacteria & Disease › View

These pathogens lack the ability to metabolize on their own and instead rely on the infected host cell for energy

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Protozoa

D. Fungi