Medical Quiz

Tenses Quiz

The policeman ____ him.

A. rescued

B. was rescued

C. rescue

Select your answer:


Soldiers of Defense Health and Diseases Transportation in Organisms Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Philosophy Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Disorders of The Joints The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Biodiversity Conservation Muscoskeletal Injuries Blood Typing Nervous and Endocrine System

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Good source of protein..

A. oil and ghee

B. egg and pulses

C. milk and fruits

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What is your skin considered as?

A. Skin is considered as a second and third line defense barrier.

B. Skin is considered as a large cell which helps destroy pathogens.

C. Skin is considered a biochemical barrier of the first line defense system.

D. Skin is considered as a part of the immune system.

E. Skin is considered as first line defense barrier.