Medical Quiz

5 Major Food Groups Quiz

Which food group does this belong to?

A. Protein

B. Dairy

C. Fruits

D. Grains

E. Vegetables

Select your answer:


Receptors BMI (Body Mass Index) Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Factors Affecting Health Foot Orthosis Vocab Human Eye Heart and Blood Vessels Monoclonal Antibodies Mutations Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Endocrine System and Nervous System Blood Pressure Cell Vocabulary Sexual Reproduction Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities

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AEMT EMS Systems › View

A physician authorizes you, via two-way radio, to help a patient administer prescribed nitroglycerin. What type of medical direction is this?

A. Indirect medical control

B. Online medical control

C. Off-line medical control

D. Standing order

Microbiology › View

All cells —–

A. come from other dead cells

B. come from other living cells

C. crystallize out of the air