Medical Quiz

Kidney - Loop of Henlé Quiz

The ascending limb of the loop of Henle allows the reabsorption of

A. urea

B. minerals

C. uric acid

D. salts

Select your answer:


Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Nutrition - Digestive System Movement and Locomotion Lipid Metabolism Nervous System/Endocrine System Deficiency Diseases DNA and RNA Structures Muscular System Movements Health issue related to immune system Musculoskeletal Fitness Basic Structure of the Human Body Physical Fitness Genetics Nervous and Endocrine System Blood Formation and Clotting

Other quiz:

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Haemophilia is treated by.

A. Factor V

B. Factor II

C. Factor VIII

D. None of the above

Musculoskeletal System › View

These joints allow side to side and back and forth movement. These joints are present in the wrist, ankles and vertebrae.

A. ball and socket

B. hinge

C. gliding