Medical Quiz

Central Nervous System Quiz

A_______is what your body does in reaction to a stimuli. 

A. reaction

B. response

C. change

Select your answer:


SPED Law-lympics Dermatology Vocabulary Circulatory System and Nutrition Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Virus Paeds Edema Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Animal Genetics and Nutrition Deaf Blind General Microbiology and Immunology Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Cariology Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Doctor Equipments

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The main human activity that releases greenhouse gases is
A. using bottled water
B. burning fossil fuels
C. texting on cellphones
D. eating meat

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Why are some bacteria considered extremophiles?

A. They are not affected by environmental conditions

B. They thrive in extreme environmental conditions.

C. They prefer moderate temperatures

D. They are microscopic in size