Medical Quiz

Viruses Quiz

Which of the following is one important difference between a virus and a bacterial cell?

A. a virus is much larger in size than a bacterial cell

B. a virus always causes more severe disease than a bacterial cell

C. a virus can never reproduce on its own, but a bacterial cell can

D. a virus does not contain genetic material, but a bacterial cell does

Select your answer:


Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Skin Disease Outbreak and Transmission Facial & Dental Injuries Monoclonal Antibodies Health Issues and Concerns HFT Vitamins Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Reproduction in Human Beings Body Fluids & Circulation Plasmid Bonding and the Periodic Table Blood and Hematology Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues DNA, RNA, Proteins

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A. Glucagon

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“Change your thoughts, change your life.”

A. Psychodynamic perspective

B. Behavioral perspective

C. Cognitive perspective

D. Biological perspective