Medical Quiz

Topics: Skin Diseases Quiz

Thanks to the success of vaccination, in 1980, the World Health Assembly declared __________ eradicated, and no cases of naturally occurring disease have happened since

A. Chickenpox

B. Smallpox

C. Polio

D. Herpes

Select your answer:


Enzymes & Metabolism HL Organelles Physiology Pathology Visual Impairment Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Laboratory Careers Nervous System/Endocrine System PBS Routine Testing Vision and Light Dyslexia Central and Peripheral Nervous System Nucleic Acids Macromolecules & Nutrients Population Genetics The Nervous System

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Child Development › View

Which theory of child development proposes that systems and interrelationships that surround a child affect all aspects of child’s development?

A. social learning theory

B. ecological systems theory

C. cognitive developmental theory

D. sociocultural theory

Cardiorespiratory Endurance › View

Which statement is true?

A.   A fit person’s heart may work more efficiently than a nonfit person’s heart because genetics determines the heart’s efficiency.

B.    A fit person’s heart may work the same as a nonfit person’s heart because genetics determines the heart’s efficiency.

C.   A fit person’s heart works more efficiently by pumping less blood with more beats.

D. A fit person’s heart works more efficiently by pumping more blood with fewer beats.