Medical Quiz

Topics: Renal and Gastrointestinal System Quiz

The gradual kidney function decline in patients with chronic kidney disease can worsen with

A. volume overload

B. anemia

C. bone disease

D. All of the above

Select your answer:


Careers in Health Care Chronic Diseases Eczema Properties of The Hair and Scalp Disease Cards CV System A&P & Pathology Circulation and Excretion Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Hospital Unit Food Microbiology Musculoskeletal Inflammation and Tissue Repair Consciousness and Sleep Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries

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What do phagocytes do?

A. make antibodies

B. act as memory cells

C. kill pathogens indiscriminately

D. target specific pathogens to kill

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What is the function of IgG according to the table?

A. Serves as an antigen receptor

B. Promotes agglutination and precipitation reactions

C. Neutralizes antigens and promotes their phagocytosis

D. Triggers allergic reactions