Medical Quiz

Topics: Human Anatomy Study Guide Quiz

Which type of waste is removed by the respiratory system?

A. carbon dioxide

B. bile

C. urine

D. amino acids

Select your answer:


Blood clotting Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Macronutrients & Micronutrients Mechanical Digestion Vitamins Digestion and Microbes Diseases & Disorders Living Organisms STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Homeotic Genes and Cancer Nature of Science Germs & Diseases Dyslexia Urinary System Medical Terms Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal

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Which are enzymes?

A. simple carbohydrates

B. proteins that speed up chemical reactions

C. lipids that make up the cell membrane

D. a building block of DNA

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A person who can perceive at 6 meters a stimuli that people without visual impairments can perceive at 12 meters, has a visual acuity of:

A. 2

B. 2,6

C. 0,5