Medical Quiz

Topics: Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Quiz

Communicable diseases can also be caused by the environment, give two other causes of communicable diseases?

A. human to houses

B. person to other people, animals

Select your answer:


Genetics and Censorship Physical Activity Endocrine System Muscular System Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Health and Nutrition Sterile Medication Products Advanced Stretching SM2 DNA and RNA Structures The Digestive System Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Pathology Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Science Reproduction Movement

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Cardiology › View

What is a characteristic feature of the bi-atrial technique in cardiac transplant as seen on echocardiographic appearance?

A. Smaller atria with no visible suture lines

B. Larger atria with no visible suture lines

C. Smaller atria with prominent suture lines

D. Larger atria with prominent suture lines

Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness › View

is the ability to move quickly across the ground or move limbs rapidly to grab or throw.

A. Reaction Time

B. Speed