Topics: Bacterial Growth Quiz
What is the boiling point of water?
A. 63c
B. above 75c
C. above 82c
D. 100c
Select your answer:
Excretion in Humans Heredity Radiation and Health 3M Micropara Humanistic and Biological Psychology Infectious Disease and Pathogens Diseases and Preventions Types of Immunity Digestive and Circulatory System Vitals Urinary System Physical Pharmacy Radiology Infection Control The Ankle and Lower Leg Fad DietsOther quiz:
Disease › Viewable to be passed from one person, animal, or plant to another
A. Infected
B. Sterile
C. Infectious
D. Related
The Human Body › View
What moves the food down the esophagus?
A. motility
B. segmentation
C. constipation
D. peristalsis