Medical Quiz

Topics: Animal Nutrition Quiz

Describe the importance of nitrogen-fixation in the nitrogen cycle.

A. Convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for plants

B. Releases harmful gases into the atmosphere.

C. Nitrogen-fixation occurs solely in aquatic environments

D. Nitrogen-fixation is only important for animal health

Select your answer:


Atoms and Radioactivity Pain Management Psychology, Psychiatry or Social Work Physical Pharmacy The Musculoskeletal System Blood types and Blood Components The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems The Inflammatory Response Transportation and Excretion Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Fainting and Nosebleed Health and Medicine Population Genetics Teeth & Microbes Skin Appendages

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Heat syncope is also called

A. fainting

B. heat exhaustion

C. heat stress

D. hyperthermia

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Which of the following would produce the most variety offspring when compared to the parent organism?

A. Cutting a portion of a potato that contains an eye or bud and planting it in a vegetable garden

B. Yeast producing a bud that falls off and forms an offspring yeast.

C. A bee that cross-pollinates flowers in several fields

D. A starfish regenerating a new limb