Anatomy Respiratory System Quiz
The case in which lungs inflate
A. total lung capacity
B. residual volume
C. compliance
D. aspirate
The part of the respiratory system containing the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
A. Lower Respiratory Tract
B. Aspirate
C. Surfactant
D. Upper respiratory tract
What are the muscles of principal expiration?
A. sternocleidomastoid
B. abdominal
C. no muscles are used
D. internal intercostals
A molecule with a hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end
A. Surfactant
B. Aspirate
C. Compliance
D. Total lung capacity
What is the general term that refers to the infection of lungs?
A. Infected lungs
B. Ammonia
C. Pneumonia
D. Bronchitis
The process of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between cells and blood.
A. Internal Respiration
B. External Respiration
C. Aspirate
D. Ventilation
Volume of air left in lungs after a forceful exhalation
A. tidal volume
B. functional residual capacity
C. total lung capacity
D. residual volume
To take in by means of suction
A. surfactant
B. functional residual capacity
C. aspirate
D. tidal volume
Maximum volume of air contained in lungs after a forceful inhalation
A. tidal volume
B. functional residual capacity
C. total lung capacity
D. residual volume
The process of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between the alveoli and blood.
A. Internal Respiration
B. Compliance
C. External Respiration
D. Aspirate
Volume of air left in lungs after a normal exhalation
A. tidal volume
B. functional residual capacity
C. total lung capacity
D. residual volume
What is the relative size of the thoracic cavity during a forceful inhalation?
A. Large
B. Small
C. Medium
D. Extra biggie size
When one of the factors that aid the collapse of lungs during expiration is missing, the result is common disease. What is the name of the disease and the lack of which factor caused it?
A. Emphysema; results from lack of surface tension in alveolar fluid
B. Pneumonia; results from lack of surface tension in alveolar fluid
C. Emphysema; results from lack of elasticity
D. Wheresmydrinkma; results from lack of diet dr kelp
A person inhales forcefully, what is the pressure in the lungs as compared to the atmospheric pressure during this forceful inspiration?
A. It loosens
B. It stays consistent
C. The pressure tightens
D. The pressure gets warmer
When surfactant in the alveolar fluid is missing or reduced, what malady results?
A. Collapsed lung
B. respiratory distress sryndrome
C. Distressed lung
D. collapsed lung syndrome