Medical Quiz

Topics: Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle Quiz

The thick myofilament is called…

A. Actin

B. Myosin

Select your answer:


Animal Nutrition Viruses Healthcare Systems and Insurance Bones, Joints and Muscles Excretion in Humans Tutor Oral Biology PBS Routine Testing Urinary System and Fluid Balance Deaf Blind Nature of Science Physiology Pathology Pathology Malaria Cell and Muscle Histology Asthma

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Pathophysiology › View

Which of the following statements regarding pathological atrophy is NOT correct?

A. It is caused by a disease or disorder.

B. It may be reversible.

C. It is a normal consequence of aging.

D. It causes a reduction in the size of an organ.

Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System › View

The part of the body that houses the digestive organs is the ;

A. Abdomen

B. Axial

C. Appendicular

D. Keel