Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

a wave when measuring JVP signifies ?

A. atrial contraction or atrial systole

B. ventricular relaxation

C. atrial diastole

D. ventricular contraction

Select your answer:


Hospice Basics Heart Anatomy CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs Healthy Foundations Disease Outbreak and Transmission Psychology, Psychiatry or Social Work CABG Surgery Radiography Digestive System Medical Terminology Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Systematic Bacteriology Human Circulatory System Pancreatitis Vitamins Diversity

Other quiz:

Breathing System › View

What is the function of the bronchioles?

A. To carry air to and from the lungs

B. To warm and moisten the air

C. To trap dirt particles and bacteria

D. To exchange gases in the alveoli

Obesity › View

A BMI of 32 kg/m^2 would be classified as:

A. Pre-Obese

B. Obese Class I

C. Obese Class II

D. Obese Class III