Medical Quiz

Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Quiz

Which of the following modifications does not help to reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease?

A. Reduce intake of food rich in cholesterol such as offals

B. Replace saturated fat such as butter with unsaturated fat such as canola oil

C. Replace wholemeal flour with plain flour

D. Reduce the amount of sugar

Select your answer:


Skeletal System Normal Radiographic Anatomy BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Essential Nutrients Muscle & Nerve Tissue Hemodynamic Disorder Eye or Nose Injuries Lymphatic System Discovery of DNA Visual Impairment Enzymes and Movement of Substances Leaves Deficiency Disease Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Vital Signs

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soft deposit on teeth that consists of bacteria and bacterial by-products

A. xylitol

B. plaque

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Rudolph Virchow said that

A. All organisms are made of cells

B. Cell is the basic unit of life

C. New cells come from pre-existing cells

D. None of the above