Medical Quiz

Pharmacology Quiz

The classification of medications given to reduce fever.

A. Adjuvants

B. Analgesics

C. Antipyretics

D. Hypnotics

Select your answer:


Fad Diets Body System Eye Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Human Genetics Muscular Human Body Systems Orthopedic Surgeon Homeotic Genes and Cancer Innate Immunity Intravenous Fluid Therapy Inhalation Injury Vitamins The Brain Our Control Center

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Illness and Symptoms › View

I keep sneezing. My nose is runny and sometimes I get a cough. I think I have a ________.

A. cold

B. stomachache

C. diarrhea

D. nauseous

Trauma › View

You arrive on scene to find a young girl with an active nosebleed. She is crying and the sight of the blood is scaring her. You should:

A. position her on her side while holding pressure on the nose

B. have her lean forward while you pinch the nostrils

C. have her lean backward as far as possible while holding the nose

D. pack both nostrils with sterile gauze