Medical Quiz

Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Quiz

Unspecialized cell that can develop into a specialized cell under the right conditions.

A. Haploid

B. Diploid

C. Allele

D. Stem Cell

Select your answer:


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Composition of Blood and Blood Cells › View

What is the function of a leukocyte?

A. functions in transport of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and also transports small amounts of carbon dioxide

B. needed for blood clotting; initiates the clotting cascade by clinging to a torn vessel

C. defends the body against infection and disease by ingesting foreign materials or by producing antibodies

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Pre-activity screening is undertaken in all professional sports in an effort to:

A. Provide a baseline to which future tests can be compared

B. Identify the most suitable playing position on a team

C. Minimise the risk of injury during physical activity

D. Best plan a training program