Medical Quiz

Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Quiz

A person whose muscles begin to “digest” themselves and shrink has the condition…

A. Hypertrophy 

B. Atrophy

C. Hernia 

D. Muscle tear

Select your answer:


Genetics Vocabulary Endocrine System and Nervous System Salmonella vs E.coli All About Bacteria DNA Replication Excretion-Dialysis MEDICINE Life Cycle - Bee Reproduction Biology Dermatology Vocabulary Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Anatomy Muscles Forensic Odontology

Other quiz:

Iron Kinetics › View

Below are several of the many steps in the process from absorption and transport of iron to incorporation into heme.

Place them in proper order.

i. Transferrin picks up ferric iron.
ii. Iron is transferred to the mitochondria.
iii. DMT1 transports ferrous iron into the enterocyte.
iv. Ferroportin transports iron from enterocyte to plasma.
v. The transferrin receptor transports iron into the cell.

A. iii, ii, iv, i, v

B. v, iv, i, ii, iii

C. ii, i, v, iii, iv

D. iii, iv, i, v, ii

Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease › View

type of therapy that allows residents to believe that they live in the past or in imaginary circumstances

A. rummaging

B. hoarding

C. validation