Medical Quiz

Vision (AP Psych) Quiz

If we did not have cones in our eyes, we would not see

A. colors

B. shapes

C. sizes

D. distant objects

Select your answer:


Nail Enhancement Properties of Hair and Scalp Trauma Nutrition Vocabulary EKG CCMA First Aid Bleeding Bacteria and Viruses Deaf Blind Covid-19 Epidemiology Nervous / Sensory System Diseases & Disorders Malaria Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Physical Pharmacy

Other quiz:

Receptors › View

Anything that causes you to react is called

A. sound

B. response

C. stimulus

D. memory

Medicinal use of Microorganisims › View

If you go to a doctor and are prescribed antibiotics you probably have an illness cause by a

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. host cell

D. macrophage